Wednesday, 1 June 2016

App marketing - How to up rank higher in appstores

How to up rank higher in App stores?

There are certain ways that a company can make its app rank higher in the appstores it is not an easy task but with the right amount of determination an app can reach the desired goal.

Here are some tips that will make your app rank higher in the stores:

• Look up the apps which are similar to yours and see where they stand and in which category they have been put under, and then find your app a similar category or one resembling to the category of the app, an app can be of more than one category however.

• Use the right title for your app as it would become popular among users due to its name so choosing a perfect label for the app will help the app in getting more recognition.

• Know your competition that who are you standing against, as it will make you more aware about the other apps feature that your app lacks or have.

• Go global and make your app available in the different markets of the world as it will help your app to get used by more people.

• Seek experts help in app store optimization, and learn the tips and tricks yourself so that you can bring a change in plan when you have the chance.

• Keep your app updated and try adding new features with every single update, and get your app tested before releasing it on the store.

• Get the bugs fixed in your app as no one likes an app with troubles.

• The most important thing is to analyze the progress of your app and see its everyday downloads number of reviews it gets and number of stars it gets as soon as a bug is pointed out by a customer check it out at the exact moment and let them know that the bug has been fixed with new update and he can update the app to get the trouble free experience.

That is it with these tips your app will get the ranking it deserves.

Hope you like and follow these useful tips. . .

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